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Developed by:

Tim Dwyer, Alex Fornito

Thanh Nhan Pham, Mingzheng Shi, Nicholas Smith, James Manley and Matthias Klapperstueck

Monash University, 2017

Example Visualisations


Allow neuroscientist to quickly share their visualisations on their own dataset with other scientists with just one click.

Flexible, interactive visualizations

Visualize your network data using different anatomical and topological projections, and interrogate these projections to understand the properties of individual nodes and edges.

Export visualisations

Visualisations can be exported into JPEG or SVG file formats for further editing.

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Batch mode allows you to apply a given display setting to multiple networks.

Using the Dataset-tab, create a dataset with a particular 2D/3D visualisation first. Then use this button to select a set of other matrices that the visualisation will be applied to. The matrices must have the same dimensions as the original, but may represent different connections. Each matrix must have a corresponding attributes file, with the same dimensions and column headings as the first attribute file. You can select multiple files at once, and correspondence between matrix and attribute files is established by loading them in the same order. The app will then generate these visualisations and save them as separate files to your desktop.

selected out of | Reset

Edge size

Thickness by weight